Tuesday, June 1, 2010

CBS ~ Protein Drink Dangers ~ This may shock you!

WARNING: If you use or purchase protein drinks, please check out this report first. It may shock you ~ May cause health problems over time ~ Contains cadmium and lead! Muscle Milk is one of the worst! Did you ever suspect THAT when you purchased your protein drink? I'm sure! Consumer Reports found heavy metals present in all 15 different protein drinks checked! I love the way they say all the heavy metals are well below the FDA limits ~ Within government safety standards...

Why not go with something 100% proven SAFE & EFFECTIVE? All of Shaklee's Engergizing Soy Protein, and Shaklee 180 Smoothees are 100% safe and do not contain lead, alcohol, aresnic, cadmium, mercury, or other harmful substances. Futhermore, Shaklee is the original pioneer in soy protein. If you are going to use/drink protein, like me, why not go with the best? I've been using it for 34 years so I can personally guarantee no long term harmful side effects!  :D 
 Now that you know, please make the safe choice for yourself and your family.


  1. Have you had your dose of heavy metals yet today? lol

  2. Thank you for posting this. It's just unbelieveable what's in our food supply. I've had my Shaklee Protein or Meal Shake almost Every Day of my Life. I get so tired of hearing people say that not getting sick is just because of heredity. So many people just seem to prefer to be sick then to eat right and exercise. I'll be the 80 year old dancing at family weddings and enjoying myself, not sitting at the old sick people table.

  3. 2 years later and people are still buying and selling this stuff! AMAZING what is allowed in our supplements!! Actually, I met a food scientist recently who makes some of these "foods" and those were her words, that I would be amazed at what goes into supplements. I wish everyone was informed, but that is part of our job, I guess.

    I hope you are still well and dancing! I, too, can keep myself from getting sick with Shaklee products!
