Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Dr. Oz recommends USP seal?????

Ok, I must be honest, yesterday, after Dr. Oz told us not to buy a product that did not pay for the USP seal on their vitamins, I was thinking....well, I know that Shaklee vitamins are pure, safe, effective AND, proven to be so, so why would we need that seal? We do 100,000 tests per year on our own products (including third party testing), nobody else does that. Watch this short video to learn about the Shaklee Difference.

Then, just as I usually do when I hear about another product or something concerning nutritional supplements, I started to do my own research (like I believe anyone putting anything into their body should do) so I went to the USP's website myself. When I found this line, one of their very strict criteria: "does not contain harmful levels of specified contaminants", I realized that Shaklee doesn't need this seal because we are BETTER than that! They allow contaminants (we do not!) as long as they are within FDA guidelines! That's all I needed to know. Shaklee is still, and probably always will be, the best natural supplements money can buy, seal or no seal!

Here is a recent quote from our President and CEO, Roger Barnett: "In fact, Shaklee is the only company in the WORLD that has proof of what our products can do over a 20 year period of time, to help people stay healthy, with patented natural products."

Nuf said! :)


  1. I appreciate your take on this! I have been researching as well and came to the same conclusion! Being raised on Shaklee, having a chemistry degree and having recently started the business for my family I KNOW that Shaklee provides only the very best in safety and efficacy!

    Together we are truly making a difference!

    Take care!
