Have you heard of personalized medicine? How about personalized nutrition? It's here now, it takes 5 min., and it's FREE!!! https://health-connection.myshaklee.com/us/en/healthprint Re: this Blog: *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Thank you!
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Shaklee Get Clean Review
I love Shaklee Get Clean. I have been using these products for 30 years. I raised my kids with them. I am so, so, so grateful that I learned about Shaklee when I was in my mid 20's. I have used the products ever since, for most of my life. I did not expose my children to toxic cleaning chemicals growing up, and for that I am very grateful. 53 years later, this is the kind of fabulous reviews the Shaklee Get Clean products are receiving!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
3 Year Anniversary ~ Maintaining My Weight Loss
I was reminded tonight that this month is my anniversary of losing 25# and 27.5" and keeping it off for 3 years! :) Here's my story and how I did it.
IMO, Cinch is NOT a diet. It is a healthy way to lose fat and keep your muscle. You lose your unwanted weight in the process :) Which is what we all want, right? Who wants to be on a diet? No one. Who wants to lose all their fat and inches and look and feel great? Everyone! :)
Monday, February 15, 2010
12.5" of Snow in Dallas, TX 2/11/10
Who woulda' thunk it? We broke at least 4 records in Dallas, TX on Feb. 11, 2010 for our snow fall. Here are some of my many pictures. I hope you enjoy.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Whole Foods Market "Organic" food made in China !!!!
Who can we trust besides Shaklee anymore? Shaklee is better than organic!
Monday, February 8, 2010
Babies Recently Treated With Lotion, Shampoo, And Powder More Likely To Have Phthalates Chemicals In Urine
What products are you using on your babies? Would you rather be safe than sorry? I am so glad I started using Shaklee products before my babies were born and have now used them for 30 years! I am comforted in knowing that at least I had control over my baby's shampoos and baby washes as well as the products that I cleaned our home with, including their sheets and clothes!! Did you know when you use a safe laundry product you don't have to use something different for your babies and children? For baby powder, I used regular corn starch in a washcloth, put a rubber band around it to make a ball, and patted the baby's behind with that! It was harmless and worked like a charm! At least I don't have to worry about stuff like this now or later in their lives: Babies Recently Treated With Lotion, Shampoo, And Powder More Likely To Have Phthalates Chemicals In Urine.
If you want to check out the products you currently use for their safety, or find better products, I recommend the Cosmetic Safety Database. Here are the ShakleebabyTM products they rate on their site and here is a cool ShakleeBabyTM video for your information and entertainment.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Social Media
I've been so busy posting to Twitter, Facebook and my Personal Website that I've neglected my blog. Not that I have nothing to say! It's all on my "other" media right now. I hope you go visit! Thanks :) That's all for now....maybe I'll go watch that movie I've been putting off....